We are not “allowed” to share benefits on these products due to FDA and FTC “policy” compliance. Please do your own research to find some of the amazing benefits of these superfood and herbal ingredients. Thank you and much longevity in health.
Wildcrafted Gold Sea Moss Gel
Ingredients: Wild raw crafted Sea Moss Gel 16oz (st. lucia origin)
Directions: Add 3-5 Tablespoons of Sea Moss to your smoothie, yogurt, hot cereal.
Can be added to soups, stews and homemade breads! (Use in place of yeast when baking as a riser just use 2 to 3 tbsp and it will rise with a fluffier texture than yeast!)
Keep Refrigerated! lasts 3-4 weeks in refrigeration take max 3-5tbsp per day.