Sprouted Chickpea Flour. Delicious Cheesy Egg Alternative
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Sprouted Chickpea Scramble Flour, (Delicious Cheesy Egg Alternative)
Ingredients: Chickpea flour, golden flax flour, oregano, basil, parsley, onion powder, Living-Immunity Golden Tonic powder, African pink salt, sweet paprika, crushed black seed
Directions for 1 serving: 4 heaping tsp of powder to ¼ cup of water, whisk thoroughly into a batter. Lightly grease pan & cook on medium high heat until batter is bubbling in pan (2-5 minutes), flip batter (preferrably with non toxic air fryers) and cook for another 5 min., and scramble with spatula. To make omelet do not scramble. Or use to make some of your favorite classic battered dishes.
Note: For thicker batter add less water.